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Monday, June 13, 2011


Die 5 Gloria Gesangs-Gitarristen - "Friesenlied" (Gloria Bi-2790-2 / G.O. 27400a)

Here's one song not many of you will recognize. I always loved German folk songs and did some research on this wonderful piece of music. The "Friesenleed," also known as "Wo die Nordseewellen" ("Where the Norh Sea Waves"), is very popular here in Northern Germany, although it is mostly remembered by older folks. I recall my great granduncle always asking his son to play this song on accordion because it was his favorite song.

"Wo die Nordseewellen" is based upon the 1907 published Low German poem by Martha Müller-Grählert "Ostseewellenlied," who described her home in it, Western Pomerania, which also belonged to Germany before the war. Simon Kranning composed a melody for the lyrics, which were varied in differend North Germany areas. The most famous varition is the "Friesenleed" or "Wo die Nordseewellen." This one was recorded by many different artists, most notable Lale Andersen. However, this recording here by the Fünf Gloria Gesangs-Gitarristen on the Gloria label probably dates back to the 1930s.This group recorded several other German folk and soldier songs but I did not find a thing on the group itself.


Anonymous said...

As the label correctly said, it's "Friesenlied" (not "...leed")
And Norh Sea is of course the North Sea.


Log Cabin Stories said...

Yes you're right, but "...leed" is the Low German pronounciation of the title.